The tweaks have been done, the bugs worked out, and praise God, Perfect Love Project is up and running. As I am sure you have noticed, my God-given abilities do not include anything technical. This reminded me of when I was a child and I wanted something right away or wanted to do something quickly. It always looked easy and, in my mind, I was very confident it would not take a lot of time. This was very similar to when I wanted to lose weight and I was sure I could lose 25 pounds in a month for my class reunion. This blog endeavor was no different. Thank you, God, that you have supplied me with technology gurus that know how to connect everything and make it come out working like it should.

In pondering starting a blog, I drug my feet for several years in committing to this adventure, and an adventure it has been! I prayed for years that God would show me the right time and kept asking if He was sure it was really me He wanted to do this job. Taking the big step of commitment, or maybe it was more submission to what I knew God had laid on my heart for years, I felt sure it would be comparatively quick to put together. Maybe a matter of days or at the most a couple of weeks. I wonder if God knew how long this was going to take me to complete and knew I needed an extended quarantine? !? One more blessing from this time of “rest.”

Staying confident I was making the right decision was a long process. However, I realized that if God has given me this burden or dream, I was not doing it for me…I was doing it for Him. It is God’s will who this blog touches or reaches. He gets all the glory for what is accomplished here. Last week on one of my days or moments of doubting what I had undertaken, God reminded me of His promise that I am not alone. He has given me family and friends to journey life with. So right on queue…I received a message from a very wise young woman who is above her years in words of encouragement and insight from God. Here are her words…

“God called you to this. You have to remember that. God won’t abandon you or embarrass you if He is calling you to serve Him. He is going to guide you. And you will grow even more through your writing. The boat is always shaky at first when you get on, but it calms and finds its steadiness. You will too!”

It is time for this shaky boat to venture into deeper waters, to let God captain the boat, and His Word be the anchor!

My prayer for our time together on this blog going forward is that we can share ideas or insights on how to make our homes inviting and a blessing to our family and friends; to be made aware of upcoming events or opportunities for serving and learning; pray for one another; a place to share my heart, life experiences (good and bad); to comfort, edify and encourage you through what I have learned in my spiritual life and walk with God. Most importantly I pray you will see the wonder of how God moves and works in our lives every day, every minute and every second. He is the one who will fill our lives daily with all we need. I pray I will be sensitive to His leading and touched by His concerns. This is a step of faith taken in total dependence on God for His enabling. He has the master plan….my job is to be His instrument. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6. This venture is doomed to fail without Him. Satan has not changed his methods and when he creates doubt in this blog, I pray I will have the faith and trust of Elisabeth Elliott to say, “No matter what, I will trust Him. I will follow Him.” All praise, honor, and glory goes to our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Show me your ways, O LORD, Teach me your paths; Guide me in your truth and teach me, For you are God my Savior, And my hope is in you all day long. Psalms 25:4-5 (NIV)
Let me close with this question. Is there a burden, a dream, a desire in your heart that won’t go away? Perhaps a God-given burden? Is it time for you to act on this passion that you can’t shake? Love and blessings to you all….

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